The bidding on these auctions will close at 8pm sharp on Tuesday, March 8th. There is a good probability that we will have multiple bidders placing a final bid in the last minute of the auction. IE: 7:59pm If this happens whoever has the highest bid will win the item irregardless of more than one bidder placing a final bid in the last minute.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Steve's Piano Tuning & Repair

Up for bid is one standard piano tuning by Steve's Piano Tuning & Repair.  Steve has been tuning, rebuilding, & refinishing pianos for the past 25 years. He is based in Eastern Washington, but has clients all over the state. The winner of this auction item will call Steve at (509) 665-8222 to arrange a tuning appointment.

Value: $100.00
Starting Bid: $50.00


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